About Me

Hi there!

I’m a writer who specializes in Horror, Psychological Horror, and Dark Comedy.
I’ve always especially loved and been inspired by 1980’s era Horror Films and Writer/Director Sam Raimi.

Currently working on my first novel. So far no end in sight, but everyone will know when I eventually finish it.

I grew up on the Oregon Coast, before enlisting in the United States Navy at age 18. I spent nearly four and a half years in the service, and worked my way to the rank of E-5 stationed on board a ship in San Diego, CA.
I left the Navy in Dec. 2008 and enrolled in film school at Columbia College Hollywood in Tarzana, CA, where I happily wasted my degree on a BFA in Cinema Directing.

I now live in Portland, Oregon.

Look me up on Social Media to chat with me about anything and everything, and get updates on the rare completion of creative projects!



