I love Product Placement
Product Placement– The practice of a film or television programme selling out and giving in to capitalist greed, thereby turning its back on artistic integrity and the fans.-The practice of a company paying for its product to be placed in a prominent position in a film or television programme as a form of advertising.
Michael Bay: A True Auteur
Michael Bay is successful for a very good reason, despite what people like to think.The arguments against Bay always boil down to the same things: …yet his films consistently make tons of money.
How Has Your Childhood Been Ruined Today?
Why is the Film Market so saturated with Sequels, Remakes, Adaptations, Prequels, Spinoffs and Television-Prequel-Spinoff-Adaptation Shows!? Don’t They know They’re destroying Classics and ruining our childhoods?! This line of complaint seems to be all the rage lately…And it’s total bullshit.
A Critique on Critics
It is a commonly known (and increasingly true) phrase usually used by people who don’t want to accept negative criticism given to their personal creative work or craft: Everyone is a Critic As defensive and often pretentious as this statement seems, it has become a widespread reality as a vast majority of the population has…