Tag: Monster

  • The Incredible [Green Rage Monster]

    – I’m a bit fuzzy on the timeline – On this day, as with most days, everything was business as usual: Awake by 4:00 A.M., forcing myself awake for real at 4:30 A.M. after resetting my alarm clock six times, in to work at 5:00 A.M. to haul boxes of supplies for the next eight hours while my…

  • Trash Monster

    – Wed, Feb 27, 2013 – On my way home from work this afternoon, I had a small encounter with a strange little creature… Now, my car isn’t exactly a Bastion of cleanliness or anything; it’s a small 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse, and pretty much every square inch of surface space is cluttered with something-or-other. —(Not just…